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Tax Information

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Tax Bills

  • Interim bills are issued in January, with payments due on or before the 10th of the month (or next business day in the event of a statutory holiday or weekend) in February and May.
  • Final bills are issued in July, with payments due on or before the 10th of the month (or next business day in the event of a statutory holiday or weekend) in August and November.

Tax Bill Payment

To avoid late penalty and interest, regardless of your preferred method of payment, taxes must be received on or before the 10th day of the above billing months. Contact or review your financial institution timelines for processing. 

Tax payments may be made by any of the following methods:

  • On-line Banking is available for your convenience through most Bank websites. Setup "Town of Grand Valley" as your Payee with the full 19 digit roll number as your account number (no spaces or punctuation).
  • Enrolling in one of the Town's convenient Pre-Authorized Tax Payment (PAP) Plans.
  • In person at the Town of Grand Valley Municipal Office at 5 Main St. N. Grand Valley, between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday. Payments are accepted by cheque, cash, debit, MasterCard and VISA. A drop box is located at this office for after-hours cheque payments. Please do not leave cash payments in the drop box.
  • Over the phone by calling the Municipal Office at (519) 928-5652 extension 221 during business hours. We can accept VISA and Mastercard payments over the phone, and we will email you a receipt.
  • At all Chartered Banks through your mortgage, personal teller service, telephone or internet banking. Please note that any related banking fees are the responsibility of the taxpayer. 
  • By mailing a cheque (current or postdated before the due date) with the payment stub(s). If you require a receipt, please enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope.

Did you know that, as the owner of a newly constructed residence, the full assessment value of your home may not be determined for a full year or more? As a result, there will likely be additional property taxes owing on your property, backdated to the date you took ownership of the home. Failure to make financial plans for this tax bill can be damaging to your credit and your home financing.

For more information, read this letter explaining Essential Property Tax Information for New Home Owners and visit MPAC's website on Newly Built Homes.

Your taxes are calculated based on the assessed value of your property, as determined and reported by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC). MPAC reports to us, among other data, the assessed owner and address, the value and the property class of each property.

Residential property assessment information
Questions about property assessment

Each year, following its budgeting process, the Town of Grand Valley approves the tax rates for each property class.

The Municipal Act requires that your interim tax billing, issued in January, be based on 50% of your prior year taxes, and the final tax billing, issued in July, is calculated using your property's assessed value times the approved tax rate, less the interim billing amount. Both the interim billing and the final billing must be paid to satisfy your property tax obligation for the year.

For questions regarding your property assessment, please contact MPAC directly at 1-866-296-6722 or

Some financing companies require that they pay your taxes directly during the term of your mortgage.  If this is the case, and you receive your tax billing directly, please contact the Finance department, as well as forward the tax bill to your mortgage company for their immediate attention and payment.  If you change your mortgage company, please have them contact our office directly to ensure the billings are correctly redirected. Tax bill copies marked "paid" will be mailed out to all property owners, once the final payment from the mortgage company has been received.

To avoid interest charges, payments must be received by the Town of Grand Valley on or before the due date. A charge of 1.25% will be added on the first day of default and on the first day of each calendar month thereafter, as long as the taxes remain unpaid. Monthly interest charges will be imposed on any unpaid taxes from previous years. Interest rates are levied by the municipal bylaw pursuant to section 345 of the Municipal Act, 2001 c. 25.

Failure to receive a tax notice does not excuse a taxpayer from the responsibility for payment of the taxes nor relieve the assessed owner of the liability for interest charges due to late payment.

If the ownership of your property changes hands, please make sure that the person responsible for paying any unpaid taxes receives a copy of the tax billing. Your statement of adjustments, prepared on closing by your lawyer, indicates the tax obligation of both the vendor and the purchaser.

Property Tax Deferral Program for Seniors and Low-Income Disabled Persons

The Council of the Corporation of the County of Dufferin has passed a by-law providing for relief of a portion of property tax increases on property in the residential/farm property class for owners (or spouses or same-sex partners of owners) who are low-income seniors or low-income persons with disabilities. The application shall be made annually prior to November 30 of the year in which the tax increase relates.

PLEASE NOTE: Applications cannot be processed before receipt of your final tax bill. Please include a copy of your final tax bill with this application.

A person is eligible for the purpose of this by-law if at the time of making the application they are:

  • 65 years of age or older and eligible for or in receipt of the guaranteed income supplement as outlined in the Old Age Security Act OR
  • Eligible for or in receipt of an allowance, benefits or income support as a disabled person or as a person with a disability as outlined in the Family Benefits Act or the Ontario Disability Support Program Act AND
  • A person who has owned real property within the County of Dufferin for at least one year immediately preceding the date of the application.

If you feel you meet the above criteria and would benefit from this program, we encourage you to complete the Tax Relief Application form and forward it along with a copy of your final tax bill to the attention of The Treasurer at the following address:

Dufferin County Treasury
55 Zina Street, Orangeville ON L9W 1E5
1-519-941-2816 ext. 2804

For more information visit the Ontario Ministry of Finance website.

For More Information, contact the Municipal Office at 519-928-5652 or email

Contact Us

Town of Grand Valley
5 Main St. N., Grand Valley
Ontario L9W 5S6
Telephone: 1-519-928-5652
Fax: 1-519-928-2275

Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30a.m. to 4:30p.m. Closed holidays.

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