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Municipal Drinking Water

To ensure safe drinking water, the Town's urban drinking water system operates under a Quality Management System as legislated under the Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002and regulated by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks. Water quality is tested regularly, as required, and the results of this testing is reported annually in Annual and Summary Reports.

Please select from the options below for more information and to view reports on our drinking water system.

The Town of Grand Valley has a contract with Dufferin Water Company Limited to manage the treatment and supply of water to residents in the urban area. The Policy governing operations is stated below.

Grand Valley Quality Management System Policy

Dufferin Water Co. Ltd is committed to managing the treatment and supply of clean, safe drinking water to all of its customers and commits to consistently meeting all applicable legislative and regulatory requirements and customer needs.

To achieve these goals, Dufferin Water Co. Ltd commits to:

  • Manage water quality from source to customer
  • Perform regular monitoring and testing of water to meet or exceed current regulatory requirements
  • Ensure all operations staff receive consistent and relevant training that meets or exceeds regulatory training requirements
  • Provide direction to the owner so they can effectively invest capital monies to provide upgrades and retrofits
  • Continue establishment and upgrade of current policies and practices
  • Participate in meetings and pilot projects to remain on the leading technical edge of drinking water supply practices and policies
  • Provide Annual Reports as per the Ministry of the Environment requirements that are available for inspection by customers at the municipal office

Dufferin Water Co. Ltd will establish and maintain a Drinking Water Quality Management System (QMS) that will be regularly reviewed, improved and upgraded by management and employees involved in the supply of drinking water. The highlights of this Operational Plan for this QMS will be readily available at the municipal office in hard copy.

The Drinking Water QMS will be implemented by the Town to effectively minimize and manage any potential risks to drinking water quality and safety.

A copy of this policy will be displayed at the municipal office, each pumphouse and online to facilitate communication of this policy to the owner, the operating authority personnel, and the public.

Revision 7 - February 19, 2015

Each year, Dufferin Water Co. Ltd presents the Town with an Annual and Summary Report. These reports provide information on the operation and quality of the municipal drinking water system.

If you need to report a water related problem during regular business hours, such as a leaking water meter, a water quality concern, a possible water main break or no water at the tap, please contact the Town office at 519-928-5652.

If you are calling after regular business hours, please contact 519-942-5695 to report the problem.

The Town conducts regular water system maintenance to maintain water quality and to ensure our infrastructure is repaired or replaced as needed.

Watermain Flushing

Watermain flushing is done in the spring and fall. Flushing cleans our iron and sediment that has gathered in the Town's watermains.

The flushing process may create discloloured water at the tap. Running the cold-water tap in your home for five minutes will usually clear the discoloured water. If that does not work, wait an hour and try again. We recommend that you wait until the water clarity returns to normal before drinking it.

Hydrant Maintenance

Hydrants are part of the Town's water infrastructure and are tested annually in the spring.

They help save lives in the event of a fire. Please help the Town keep hydrants visible and easy to access by not blocking any hydrant with plants, shrubs, fences, etc.

The Town is planning for anticipated growth in our urban area, which means we will need to provide safe and reliable drinking water to more residential, industrial and commercial customers in our urban centre.

We are reviewing various scenarios to estimate future water demand, and are developing alternatives for additional supplies to meet this future demand.

For more information on our plans, visit our Planning Documents page.

Contact Us

Town of Grand Valley
5 Main St. N., Grand Valley
Ontario L9W 5S6
Telephone: 1-519-928-5652
Fax: 1-519-928-2275

Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30a.m. to 4:30p.m. Closed holidays.

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