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Speak at a Council or Committee Meeting

The Town of Grand Valley welcomes and encourages input from the community on issues that are important to them. You may attend a Council meeting and address Council on an issue or you can submit a written question to Council.

Public Questions

Written questions can be submitted to Council for their review and discussion. If you would like to provide a written question to Council, you can drop-off your question in-person at the Town Office, 5 Main Street North, Grand Valley, or send your question by email to Any questions provided to Council will be included on the next Regular Council meeting agenda and published to the Town's website.


Individuals and groups may request to be added to the Council and Committee agendas so that they can speak with Council. These requests would be designated as a "Deputation to Council." Types of deputations fall into three categories:

  • formal recognition of a delegation visiting the Town,
  • announcement of a City-wide event being sponsored by a community group, or
  • deputation by an individual or community group on a matter of public interest.

Please note that there are certain circumstances that require Council to meet in "closed session," which means that the meeting, or part of the meeting, is closed to the public.

Presentation Tips

As a delegate, you are allowed to speak for a maximum of ten minutes, as outlined in the Town's Procedural By-Law.  Please make sure to follow these presentation tips when addressing Council: 

  • state your full name
  • always address comments to the Mayor or Chair (regardless of where the question came from)
  • address the Mayor as Mayor (last name) or Your Worship
  • speak in a clear tone to ensure both in-person and virtual attendees can hear your delegation

Request a Delegation

If you would like to appear as a deputation at a Council or Committee meeting, please complete the Council Delegation or Presentation Request Form


If you have any questions please email our Deputy Clerk or phone 1-519-928-5652 ext. 222.

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