Please Note: Enrollment requests must be received fifteen days (15) prior to the an installment date.
OPTION #1 - 4 Installment PAP Plan
Property taxes will be paid each year by four withdrawals.
With our 4 Installment PAP Plan, payments are taken over the 4 months which coincide with the regular non-PAP installment due dates of February, May, August and November.
Payments will be automatically withdrawn from your bank account on the 10th day of the month (or the next business day in the event of a statutory holiday or weekend).
The withdrawal amounts will correspond with the installment amounts on your Interim and Final Tax Bills.
OPTION #2 – 10 Installment PAP Plan
Property taxes will be paid each year by ten withdrawals.
With our 10 Installment PAP Plan, payments are taken over 10 months February through to November - and cover the Interim and Final Tax Bills.
Payments will be automatically withdrawn from your bank account on the 10th day of the month (or the next business day in the event of a statutory holiday or weekend).
There are no payments in January or December and the program automatically starts again the following February.
The first five (5) payments (February to June) will be an estimated, equal monthly amount representing the Interim Tax Bill (this amount is calculated at 50% of the previous year’s tax levy divided into 5 equal payments).
When the amount of the Final Tax Bill is determined, the monthly payment may be adjusted. The last five (5) payments (July to November) reflect the balance of taxes owing (including, but not limited to, the tax rate and assessment changes for the year and any local improvement charges), minus the payments already received.
You will receive a PAP Plan installment schedule, upon first enrollment, and subsequently twice a year to along with the Interim Tax Bill and the Final Tax Bill advising of monthly payment amounts.
For new PAP Plan enrollees, your payment schedule may vary from the schedule(s) described above, depending upon your entry date into the program.