Teen Programs
Friday April 11th 7-9pm Spring Fling Video Tween Dance!
Join us at the Grand Valley Community Centre for our Spring Fling Tween Video Dance, tickets will be available starting March 21st at the Library and are $2.00 per youth. This dance is open to all youth currently in grades 5-8. Come out and enjoy a fun, supervised video dance with friends! Snack bar for purchase available.
Grand Valley Public Library
4 Amaranth St. East,
Grand Valley, ON L9W 5L2
Phone: 519-928-5622
Fax: 519-928-2586
Library Hours
Monday 10am-6pm
Tuesday 10am-8pm
Wednesday 10am-8pm
Thursday 10am-8pm
Friday 10am-6pm
Saturday 10am-4pm
Sunday 12pm-4pm (closed July & August)
Closed on all Holiday Weekends
GVPL Staff
Joanne Stevenson - CEO
Sarah McTaggart - Program Coordinator
Front Desk -Interlibrary loans, general inquiries and front desk
Please contact us with any reference question, book requests, program questions or any concerns you may have.