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For a permit not listed here, visit the Permit directory on this webpage - Applications, Certificates, Licenses and Permits page.

Burn Permits

Yearly burn permits are available, free of charge, at the Municipal Office. Visit our Burning in Grand Valley page for information.

Building and Construction Permits

For building in Grand Valley, the County of Dufferin Building Department gives final approval on all applications to construct or demolish. The County Building Department will accept applications to construct or demolish ONLY after you have acquired local Municipal Approval from the Town of Grand Valley.

Contact the Town of Grand Valley Municipal Office at 519-928-5652 to ensure that your application for Municipal Approval conforms with all requirements, per the checklist below.

A submission for local Municipal Approval generally requires the following:

Once the Municipal Approvals are obtained and all applicable fees are paid to the Town, hand deliver the Municipal Approval Package along with any additional information/documentation required to the County Building Department. Fees apply. Detailed septic information is not required at the municipal level but is required to accompany the Building Permit submission to the County.

For more information on building permits or drawing requirements, please call the County Building Department at 519-941-2362 or email them at

Entrance Permits

An entrance permit is required to establish or change an entranceway onto a property off of a public road. Visit the Town of Grand Valley Municipal Office to ensure that your application conforms with all requirements. Once approvals are obtained and all applicable fees are paid, submit a completed Entrance Permit Application Form. For more information on entrance permits, please call the Town of Grand Valley Municipal Office at 519-928-5652.

For new entrances, property owners can obtain their Emergency Number (green number) from the County of Dufferin by completing and submitting an Emergency Number Application Form to the County.

Permits to Construct a Fence or a Pool Enclosure

The Town of Grand Valley regulates Fencing through By-law 2020-31 as amended. See our fence brochure for information.

The Dufferin County Building Department issues permits to construct a pool enclosures when you obtain a building permit. Visit the Grand Valley Municipal Office to ensure that your application conforms with all requirements and obtain municipal approval for your pool and enclosure (see above, Building and Construction Permits). Once approvals are obtained and all applicable fees are paid, submit a completed building permit application along with copies of the approvals to the Dufferin County Building Department. For more information on building permits, please call the Town of Grand Valley Municipal Office at 519-928-5652.

Water Permits

Water Permits are required for connection to the Municipal water system. Permit Application forms can be picked up from the Town of Grand Valley Municipal office. For more information on water permits, please call the Town of Grand Valley Municipal Office at 519-928-5652.

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